Giving to St. Andrew's

Over hundreds of years St. Andrew’s has depended on the generosity of its congregations to provide the funds, plus time and talents that enable us to carry on the work of the church both locally in Ferring, and in the wider world.

For this work to continue we need to be able to rely on a continuing income and so we invite everyone to give on a regular basis. In his letter to the Corinthians St. Paul said each of us should set aside a regular amount every week in proportion to our income..

Picture of collection plate

  • We invite everyone who attends St. Andrews to give regularly, either by direct debit using the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), or by standing order. Our preferred method is the PGS scheme as it is very efficient – further details can be found at . You can set up a direct debit using the internet, by telephone, or by asking Gordon Uphill, our Planned Giving Officer for a form – his contact details are below.
  • If you wish to give by Standing Order the attachment below can be downloaded, and once completed handed to our Planned Giving Officer at the address below. GiftAid & GiftAid & Standing Order Form. If you are visiting us, and are a UK tax payer, please make use of the orange envelopes in Church which will enable us to recover tax worth 25% of your donation. Please be assured that all financial details will remain confidential.
Picture of Gordon Uphill

Gordon Uphill
St Andrew's Church,
Church Lane,
West Sussex,
BN12 5HN.

Thank you for supporting St Andrew's Church.